Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 201
State: complete
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Read Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend by Jane E.L.. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free here
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All Chapters of Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 1

Cheating on my unfaithful boyfriendI decided to sleep with my boyfriend Vincent’s best friend after I found out that Vincent was cheating onme.I’d met his friend two or three times before, but I didn’t even know his name. I’d only ever heard Vincentcall him a “tomcat”.Nothing popped up for Tom, and he wasn’t a furry… Or at least, he didn’t look like one. Fortunately, itwasn’t hard to find him through my so c

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 2

Tomcat AaronBefore I even had a chance to reply, Aaron sent an address.“Is that Vincent?” asked Cinder.I shook my head. “No. It’s the tomcat. Seems like he’s changed his mind…”She gasped and snatc*ed my phone away. “Aaron Morris… Oh my g*d. That’s Vincent’s friend?!”“Yeah? You know him?”“Know him? My old man tried to set me up with him. Aaron’s the second son of the Morris Group. Notonly is his family loaded

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 3

Big EnergyThe bed was incredibly soft.Aaron, on the other hand, incredibly hard.He sat over me with his knees at my sides, looking down into my eyes while he slowly undressed. Justa glimpse at the waistband of his underwear was enough to send me into a haze.He was so f*cking s*xy.He didn’t have much body hair, giving a clear view of his toned chest, well-defined muscles, and I knewit!-six-pack abs. His body

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 4

“Let it go.” Aaron moaned, “You’re just mine, now.”“But I wish it would be forever…” He added.We weren’t finished with each other until 3 AM in the morningHe took me one last time from behind, and when it was over I was left on my back, too drained to eventurn over. He was laying beside me with one of his legs tangled between mine. I didn’t bother pullingaway from him this time.“Is anyone else home?” I sudde

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 5

Amorris: I bit youheyOlive: You didHis response came quickly.Amorris: SorryHis concern confused me at first. Was he trying to remind me to hid the mark from Vincent?He sent another message while I was still liguring out what to say.Amortis: Are you home?heyOlive: YeahAmorris: You should get some rest.I didn’t reply. Instead, I deleted the conversation.That was the end of that.He didn’t send any more messages

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 6

Aaron’s accusation brought me back to reality. Emily was the one sit ting at the table with Vincent’s armwrapped around her, so what did that make me?His friends watched with rapt attention, and none of them dared to make a sound. Their eyes flickedbetween us, taking in the drama as it un folded. My torture felt like cheap entertainment.Suddenly, I didn’t want to struggle anymore.Emily bit her lip. The way s

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 7

I grimaced as I yanked my hand free from his grasp and looked at him dead in the eyes.His eyebrows slightly furrowed, his nose slightly scrunched, and his lips pursed. His expression was fullof anger, jealousy, and suspicion.The tortured look on his face made my anger evaporate. Of course, he thought I was cheating on himwith Aaron, but with no proof, what was he supposed to do about it? My heart swelled wit

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 8

Of course, my immediate reaction was to reach out to Aaron for the first time in weeks.I held my breath as I texted himheyOlive: are you at the windermere hotel tooHis reply was instant.Amortis: YeahheyOlive: staying the night?Amorris: I’m right next door to themI wanted to hurl my phone into the wall. Once a cheater, always a cheater, and Vincent was noexception.I’d been biding my time, waiting for Vincent’

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 9

Vxnent: Im gonna be home late. Somebody invited me out for drinks with the guysVxnent: Dont bother waiting for me babeVxnent: Get a good nights sleep before workI fumed silently. I’d asked him where he was hours ago, and he was just replying to me now? Emilymust be in the shower if he somehow found time to pay attention to me.heyOlive: Somebody? who’s that?Vxnent: Just aaron, the Tomcat.I glanced at the man

Cheat With My Boyfriend Best Friend By Jane E.L. Chapter 10

I was startled, reflexively bending my knees to get away from Aaron, but they were held down andgently parted by his own leg placedbetween mine.He leaned down and sniffed at my neck, “Well… this little demon doesn’t smell like ketchup today.”I nudged him gently, “Morris…” I warned him, hoping the formality would discourage him.He corrected me, “Aaron, darling.”“Aaron,” I groaned begrudgingly.He smiled with a