Who Are You, My Husband

Who Are You, My Husband

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 15
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Synopsis about Who Are You, My Husband

Read Who Are You, My Husband by Gone Wind. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereChase Lu was the young heir of the top rich Lu Family. He left his wealthy home because of the hate for his father and the sadness for his mother's death, he went away from the Capital City. After He moved to a small town, Jol City, Chase had a new life. He met Jayne Lin and fell in love with this young beauty. He married her. And soon, they had a lovely daughter. But because Chase was still secretly hiding from his original family, he could only do a delivery man's work. Jayne gradually ran out of patience through the years and complained about their low-income life. One day, their three-year-old daughter was seriously ill in bed, and Chase had to face a great amount of expenses. As a father and a husband, what would Chase Lu do?
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All Chapters of Who Are You, My Husband

Chapter 1 Money Was Everything

“To the patient’s family members, you have already owed 100 thousand yuan’s medical expenses.You’ve to pay that, and pay more 200 thousand yuan to support the treatment to avoid a stop.” In the ward of The First Hospital in Jol City, a nurse warned the man sitting by the bed. It was ChaseLu. Chase turned his eyes from his daughter lying on the bed to the nurse, nodding. “I’ll pay for it today.” “You’d better

Chapter 2 Do You Have the Money?

Chase Lu had to explain. “I have something important.” “Something important? What kind of thing is more important than Cassie?” Shell Wang snorted. She had failed her business just now, so she intended to release her anger on Chase. “Chase Lu, my sister not only has to work but also look after Cassie. How tired is she? But you’re hereto do something unimportant. Are you still a man?” Chase’s sister-in-law, J

Chapter 3 Expected Dismissal

Confronted with Milne’s sarcasm, Chase Lu sneered, opening the black suitcase in his hand and then alot of cash flowing out. “Here’s 300 thousand yuan. Take it and get out of here.” Chase snorted. Milne Fan was stunned. He couldn’t believe that Chase, a security guard, could get such a lot of moneyin just two hours. Which generous person did he borrow from? Jayne was shocked, as well. Since Chase borrowed th

Chapter 4 Apology

“Who are you? What do you do?” In the office of Joel Shawn, the general manager of DuncanElectronics, Joel stared at the man breaking in his office just now. “Mr. Shawn, this is Chase Lu, the security guard in the security department. He comes here to look foryou. I can’t stop him.” The secretary rushed in and explained. The secretary glared at Chase. She had never seen such an impolite man before, pushing h

Chapter 5 Acquiring Duncan Electronics

The situation changed so fast that Milne couldn’t accept it. “What? Hurriedly, apologize to Chase Lu!” Joel Shawn was in such a hurry. He didn’t expect that the person behind Chase Lu was the richest in Jol City, John Lu. Just as soon as Chase left his office, he received a call from John’s secretary. The secretary directly told Joel that John would make Duncan Electronics bankrupt because John hadoffended t

Chapter 6 Daydream

Chase Lu was just on their way, so he couldn’t avoid them. As he was about to greet, Jeannie Lin questioned. “Chase Lu, be honest. Do you know the top of JoshGroup?” Yesterday when Jeannie and Shell Wang went back, they had thought a lot, doubting that Chase Lu,the worm, must know the top of Josh Group. Otherwise, John’s secretary wouldn’t have to be suchrespectful. If it was true, Shell’s contract would suc

Chapter 7 Misunderstanding

“You mean Hayes Hu? Shell Wang asked. Jeannie Lin nodded with doubt. “It shouldn’t be him. Manager Wang didn’t treat him so politely yesterday.” Shell Wang shook her head. “But who’s it? It should be a powerful person who could talk about this with Mr. Lu. There is no suchperson in my brain.” Jeannie was confused. The two began to guess, but neither of them thought of Chase Lu. Chase was a useless worm in th

Chapter 8 Conflict

The next day, Jayne went to work early, while Chase took Cassie to the kindergarten. Because Cassie joined the class in the middle of the course, there would be some problems. But accepting a bank card with 10 thousand yuan in it, the principle arranged everything so fast. “Cassie, let’s buy some new clothes now, and tomorrow, you will have to study here.” Chase tookCassie to a shopping mall. “OK. I’ll buy t

Chapter 9 I'll Buy Them All

The shopping-guide was hesitant, but she finally compromised, pointing at the woman’s daughterunder the woman’s threat. “It was this little girl who picked first, so could you please pick another?” Jeannie Lin didn’t accept. “It was Cassie first. How can you lie through your teeth? Do you always onlytreat the rich as customers?” The shopping-guide sneered. “Customers are also different from each other. This

Chapter 10 The Supreme VIP Card

“What? Why don’t you take your card out.” The snobbish guide mocked. She didn’t believe that Chase Lu could have 500 thousand yuan. The couple breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, Chase’s confident expression made them scared. Because they had sworn that if Chase could afford, they should kneel to apologize and lick Chase’sshoes. Though they wouldn’t do it actually, it would be ashamed. “Wow, you’ve talk