Chapter 5 - The Kinky Alpha

Dinner was served.

The chicken was slightly overcooked but I didn’t mind it as Mom was hustling throughout the day. She had been finishing up her chores and taking me around wherever I needed to go. Right after seeing Mrs. Harmony, we went for a little shopping and then a walk around the house.

My stomach growled as I filled up my mouth with whatever I could have. By the time I was finished, so was Mom.

“You’re going to do the dishes.” She said as I moved the plates into the kitchen.

I had been exhausted but I couldn’t say no to her so I got into the kitchen and began doing the dishes. The water ran down cold and the house began to get silent. It wasn’t going to be a long while before Dad would return from his work.

He did business throughout the country, trading and exporting products, therefore, he traveled a lot and it was common for him to not see him around the house. However, he did return a couple of times in a week, and tonight, he was going to make an appearance in the house for a few days.

I hoped it would last longer than a few days.

“Mom, when is Dad arriving?” I asked her while sorting out the dry dishes into their places and closing the cabinets.

She was just right outside the kitchen, cleaning up the table and watching some TV. Dad’s presence bought me some ease. It also helped with the nightmares as we would spend the night together, playing board games and he would spend as much time as he could.

“Probably by midnight. It’s a long while. Don’t keep waiting. Finish the dishes and go do your home work or something.” She replied, her voice slightly frustrated. Mom didn’t like Dad much. They never really got along as he overworked himself and she despised that he was gone for most of the time. Their relationship solely only existed because of me, the only child of them. Neither of them wanted to break the family but I wondered if they would have separated if I wasn’t born all those years ago.

“Should I clean his room?” I placed the last set of dry dishes into the cabinets and wiped my wet hands clean before walking towards the door and leaving the kitchen.

“Don’t bother. It’s already clean enough.” She grunted while wiping the table crystal clean. Her brows were tightened as she barely made any eye contact with as I stepped out of the kitchen.

“But it was dirty the last time. He seemed uncomfortable sleeping in the room. I think I should clean it.” I suggested while standing in front of the table.

When she lifted her head, I saw the anger growing in her eyes, “I don’t want you to do anything, Miranda. Go upstairs and go to your bedroom. Once he’s here, you can see him.”

Before I could open my mouth to say anything anymore, she raised her right hand and pointed a finger toward the stairs. My shoulders slumped and I pouted before taking the stairs and heading up.

Mom hated my Dad more than he hated her. He didn’t really hate her and tried everything to keep her happy. She simply didn’t want him anymore and his presence in the house was only temporary, therefore, she didn’t bother with getting separated or worse, a divorce.

I sighed and went upstairs. Entering my room, a chill ran down my spine. I placed my bag over my bed and stumbled down while grabbing my phone.

Switching it on, I began texting with Josie and replying to her hundred messages that I hadn’t read. Mom wasn’t fond of me having a phone at the dinner table and she didn’t like it very much when I laughed at my phone while texting Josie.

How was the session? Did that crazy woman jump on you finally? Did you finally realize that you don’t need therapy but a boyfriend?

Hello. Where are you?

Come on, I got some dirt on Molly. It’s fresh and I want to spill it. It’s so interesting. You’re going to want to hear it.

I need someone to do the History assignment. If you have done yours, can you help me with mine. I’ll sneak into your house once your Mom is asleep.

My face lightened as I continued to read Josie’s message. She had dropped a couple emojis when she didn’t receive any response from me in hours.

At last, I dialed her number and gave her a call while slowly walking toward my door and locking it. The lock didn’t make any sound which meant my Mom didn’t knew that I had locked it.

I returned back to the bed and laid down on my back.

“Hey!” I whispered in a low voice as Josie picked up the call after a couple of rings.

“Hello. Where have you been?”

“Sorry. Long day. We went for a little shopping. I got these cute dresses and then we came home. Had dinner. I was doing the dishes so I couldn’t get back to you!” I said and after a moment, I apologized. “I’m sorry.”

“No, it’s fine but see my messages and at least reply to them! Like I could die one day and you’d still be doing dishes.” She joked while lowering her voice into a muffled, sobbing one.

“Don’t say that and don’t worry, I read all your messages.” I dragged out a piece of my hair from behind and began fiddling with it while talking to Josie about her life problems. “‘I’ll help you with the History assignment but it isn’t due till another day. It’s February 9th, not 8th.” I reminded her.

“Oh, really?” She acted surprised. “Phew! I’m relieved. I get to live another day without failing every class.”

“I’ll help you tomorrow. It was such a long day today…” I trailed off while remembering the morning. The nights I wouldn’t get proper sleep, I was usually disturbed for the rest of the day and couldn’t concentrate on anything else until I had slept again.

Today was one of those days.

“What did the therapist say?”

“Nothing. She just told me to take a walk around the block and have a light meal.” I sighed and continued playing with my hair. “I don’t think so she really understands me. I’m starting to doubt her.” I continued.

“You should. It’s useless and waste of time. I mean, yeah, the meds might help but at the end of the day, it’s just your head and maybe you really need to get a boyfriend!” She suggested and it was the only thing she could ever advice me on.


“My mom would kill me, Josie!” I exclaimed in a little loud voice, enough to go outside of the bedroom. I quickly lowered my voice and whispered, “I mean, I don’t know anything about boys and I don’t want any. I’m fine like this. I just hope the nightmares would end for once and for all.” I prayed from the bottom of the heart that I wouldn’t get another one tonight.


I spoke with Josie for another long ten minutes, hoping to kill the time before my Dad would come. It was nowhere near to midnight but I felt excited for seeing him again. Once Josie was bored, she went ahead and decided to take a bath while leaving me alone with my thoughts.

I switched off my phone and unlocked my bedroom door before sitting down on my bed and grabbing a few books.

A small golden lamp was lit in the corner of the room, providing me with enough light I needed.

When I opened my History book and read the first line, a voice suddenly appeared in my head.

‘I can feel you, babygirl.’