Be Eaten Up with Love

Be Eaten Up with Love

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 49
State: complete
Views: 21K

Synopsis about Be Eaten Up with Love

Read Be Eaten Up with Love by Gu Nuannuan. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereI started with Wayne not by feeling, but by money! I approached him deliberately, calculated him shamelessly, and finally sent myself to his bed. That night, he was drunk and lost, lying on my body: "The last thing I want to touch is a shameless woman like you!" In order to find out the death truth of my parents, I cling to his authority, make use of his power, and finally succeed! Overnight, I....
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All Chapters of Be Eaten Up with Love

Chapter Chapter The Man Was Mentioned Again.

At the moment when my uncle took the baby away, I heard the little guy crying. I couldn't control mymood any more. I rushed forward and took the baby back from my uncle's hands, coaxing: "baby, don'tcry, what should mom do? What can I do to keep you here? "It was better to have a short pain than a long one. After watching for a while, officer Wu askedsomeone to hold the baby in my arms to my uncle.I took the

Chapter 1: One Day for Greedy

When I met Wayne Gilbert for the first time, I was in the old house of Gilbert family. He was wearing a straight suit, which made him more taller, and his face was solemn, with a sense ofindifference that refused people thousands of miles away! Later, I learned from the mouth of my best girlfriend that this man was her second uncle, opened acompany, which meant it's synonymous with rich people! When I met W

Chapter 2: No Ground for Blame People Pursuing Money

Wayne Gilbert was awakened by the ringing of a phone call. He turned over and went to the bedsidetable at the other end. He took the phone and pressed the answer button with his eyes closed. "what's up!" Looking at his back, I didn't dare to move. He had a nice voice with the hoarseness that just woke up inthe morning. I didn't know what else was said on the other side of the phone. "Okay." after that he con

Chapter 3: Depended on Uncle’s Family for A Living

Before the New Year, I met that man of 38-year-old, who was divorced with two kids. "Aunt, since the man you introduced is so good, why not my cousin marry him? Can a 40-year-old manbe called a young fellow? Oh... and, if cousin marries, you can be a grandmother immediately. Mycousin needn’t give births for being a stepmother since he has a son and a daughter. “ After hearing my words, Harriet was shocked an

Chapter 4: Met Wayne Gilbert Again

Katherine’s 20th birthday party was arranged in the most luxurious hotel in Liang city. I was invited andI refused. However, Katherine pestered me and even threatened to break up with me. I had to say yes. Certainly before I went there, I asked Katherine particularly whether Wayne Gilbert would attend it. “Come on, he is too busy to attend the birthday party of kids at our age. By the way, what happened toyo

Chapter 5: The Voluntary Humiliation

Then it happened just as I had expected. I was pressed on the front seat of the car and we had car sex! I struggled, but it didn’t work. I cursed and even scolded his eight generations of ancestors, but he still went his own way. Tired oflistening, he covered my mouth with his big hands. Without foreplay, the feeling was just one word: pain! In the dark, he held me down, and my cold sweat was dripping becaus

Chapter 6: The Man at the Top of the Pyramid

As time went by, the summer vacation was coming. In this month, the name of Wayne Gilbert seemedto disappear in my life. During the summer vacation, I was busy with paying the rent and earning the college expenses for thenext semester. Now it was a society in which either the beautiful appearance or growing up in a rich family wasadvantageous. Fortunately, I was good-looking so that my appearance could give

Chapter 7: Seduce My Uncle

It was the first time for me to be so close to him after a month. I quickly measured his vital statistics andrecorded them on my mobile phone. During this period, Wayne Gilbert was very cooperative and allowed me to measure these threestatistics. "Do I need to take off my clothes in order to make the measurements more accurate?" He said with agrin over my head. I shook my hands and suddenly imagined a lot of

Chapter 8: Sleep With My Uncle

After Katherine finished, I couldn't help spraying out a mouthful of beer. Suddenly I looked at her in a shock. I had already used this method, okay? "Then you try to get pregnant. Depending on the baby in your stomach, you can force my uncle tomarry you. At that time, you will be my aunt. Of course, the most important thing is that when youbecome my aunt, you can tell my uncle privately to give me more pock

Chapter 9:The Nobles of Liang City

After two bus transfers, I finally found the location of his company. The company logo in front of the dozens of office buildings that rise into the sky, was a symbol ofWayne Gilbert’s wealth. This Jinding building had been a landmark building in Liang City. Every time I passed by, I wouldmarvel at this fantastic architecture and its designer. Unexpectedly, Wayne Gilbert’s company was inthis building and it