Don't Escape, My Doctor!

Don't Escape, My Doctor!

Author:Novel Square Bookworm
Chapter: 20
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Synopsis about Don't Escape, My Doctor!

Read Don't Escape, My Doctor! by Ou‘Yang. Genre: Chinese novels. Read the full novel online for free hereSix years ago, she was forced to leave him who just had an car accident and was hurt seriously. After six years, she came back with her daughter. “Take off your clothes!” Julia, who was in white gown ordered the man. “Help me.”The man said arrogantly. “Sorry. As a doctor, I don’t have the duty to help you take off clothes when you are in a health check.” “But my woman has this duty.” “I am just your ex-girlfriend!” After the examination, Julia took his diagnosis and said deliberately,”seminal vesicle phlogistic. Don’t have sex recently.” Saying this, the man pounced on and pressed her under his body,”What would happen if I have sex?” After this night, her daughter gazed at the messy room and asked,”Uncle, what did you do to my mom?”
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All Chapters of Don't Escape, My Doctor!

Chapter 1 Fierce Woman

City A, hospital Julia Hill took the diagnosis of pregnancy and thought the words of the doctor,”You are indeedpregnant. But your progesterone is a little low. I suggested that you should rest more and pay attentionto nutrient intake.” Was she really pregnant? Today Ian Wilson’s critical illness notice had just been withdrawn, and then she was pregnant, was itgood thing comes in pairs? Would everything becom

Chapter 2 Reunion

Six years later --- An apartment in S City: After Julia Hill finished her breakfast, she simply made a light makeup and asked for a lucky kiss to herlittle cute. “Mummy, you must work hard for your interview today.” “Don’t worry, Mommy will work hard. Today, your godmom will accompany you to the tutorial class. I willpick you up after the interview. You shall be good!" “Well, I am waiting for the good news o

Chapter 3 This is what you owe me

When Julia Hill entered, Ian Wilson sat at his desk. He was looking at the resume she had delivered.The sun shining outside the floor-to-ceiling window illuminates his face, draw the outline of his beautifulface, and the faint lazy gesture reveals deadly elegance. . He has always been like this, and the woman’s soul is taken away inadvertently. Listening to her come in, Ian Wilson still did not look up. Whil

chapter 4 Candid camera

On the second day, Julia Hill companies Rain to the amusement park for a fun day, after returning tothe apartment to take a shower, Julia Hill begins to help Rain review her music tutoring these days,Rain seems to inherit her genes, she likes singing a lot. Julia Hill corrects a few wrong pronunciation of hers and then explaines to her again, the little Rain thennods and looks at her with worship

Chapter 5 Meet again

Ian Wilson ?! How could it be him? he was wearing a casual suit different with yesterday. He looked very cool and elegant. It was his looking in daily time? He held a cigarette , and the smoke came out from his mouth. It with adim light flashed in front of his eyes and then disappeared. It made him a little more charming, but Did he begin to smoke? He never did before. Yeah, it has been six years.

chapter 6 Came across a great wits

Lian Yi rushes to periodical office the next morning to do the confession, after all, the paper cannotcover the fire, the truth will come out someday. Julia Hill also feels anxious after Lian Yi left, Ian Wilsonalways means what he says, if the magazine office indeed is closed because of Lian Yi, then theconsenquences will be severe. As for her, she might not be able to work in Guang Ming hospita

Chapter 7 Did you seduce me?

Did the leaders say something?Who? Ian Wilson or Henry Wilson ? It is impossible to be Ian Wilson, is not it? Julia Hill smiled awkwardly, then asked: "Mr. Gao, could you tell me where is president in now? " She should say thanks to Henry Wilson . “President is studying abroad and he will be back next month.” “Oh, thank you.” Put on suits, and Julia formally took office. New people, new things, an

Chapter 8 : I have to put my hand in

Julia Hill finally understood what was so called that what goes around comes around, the car accidenthappened in six years ago, he was hurt so serious to save her, she actually became his responsibledoctor six years later. Fine, she gave up music, and decided to learn medicine, was not for him? Is there a chance to treathim now, wasn’t it just fulfilling her wish? She was afraid that he would not acc

Chapter 9 "Dating"

Julia Hill really didn't want to cry, but she was so sad. She packed up his medical records, took the testlist, and left the hospital in a hurry. When she arrived home, Lian Yi was telling a story to Rain, and when Rain saw her coming back,she rushed over to her and hugged her: "Mummy, you are finally back." "Yeah, how can a doctor be so busy? You even don't want your daughter, do you so trust me that

Chapter 10 His "kindness"

Julia thought it was the most embarrasing meal in her life. she didn't raise her head all the time andonly put food into her mouth. She ate as fast as she could, and looked up at him and found his steak was not be eaten. What wasshe going to do? Did she wait until he finished or go on?Julia Hill really felt overwhelmed, she did really not know how to serve this man. She never thought hewas so bad